GlySTreeM wiki



Daponte, V.; Hayes, C.; Mariethoz, J.; Lisacek, F.
Dealing with the Ambiguity of Glycan Substructure Search.
Molecules 2022, 27(1), 65, 10.3390/molecules27010065

RDF endpoint

The RDF endpoint is reachable at :

No user interface is yet ready to send Sparql query to the endpoint.

Data is licenced under CC BY 4.0

Example queries using curl

Write a command including the query to select 10 predicates and return data as json :
curl -X POST --data-urlencode 'query=SELECT * { ?s ?p ?o } LIMIT 10' --data-urlencode 'format=json'

The SPARQL query can be loaded from a file (count_structures_tn_antigen.rq in the example):
curl -X POST -H 'content-type: application/sparql-query' -H 'accept: application/sparql-results+json' --data-binary @count_structures_tn_antigen.rq

Output formats

Sample SPARQL files

Count of all structures that only have a substituent in the root node
Count of all glycans that have a ResidueRoot
Count of all unique base types found in ResidueRoot
Count of all unique base types
Count of all unique substituent types
Count of all unique substituent types that are a single residue (not part of a composed residue)
Count of all di-sialyl Tn antigen type structures
Count of all structures that start with Fucose
Count of all structures that start with Mannose
Count of all structures that start with Xylose
Count of all structures that have from (at least) 1 to 9 undefined sections (bag items)
Count of all structures that have exactly 1 to 9 undefined sections (bag items)
Count of all structures that have no associated GlycoCT string (therefore no GlycanCore)
Count of all structures that have associated Glycan
Count of all structures that have associated GlycanCore
Count of all structures that have associated ResidueRoot
Display IDs for structures matching exactly N-linked GlcNAc2Man3 core
Display IDs for structures with exactly GlcNAC and phosphate
Show the undefined sections (bag items) for structure 671
Does the database contain any structures with two (or more) sialyl acids consecutively linked?
Does the database contain any O-linked Core 1 with two sialyl acids consecutively linked?
Pull out only O-linked monosaccharides

Federated Queries & GlycoQL Query Patterns

Query 1.1
List all GlyConnect protein ids, site, no. of glycans, & list of glycans for COVID from GlyConnect & GlySTreeM
Pull out site, and glycosylation related comments for UniProt accession no. P0DTC2 from UniProt
Q2_1-GlycoQL Hybrid Pattern
GlycoQL generated pattern to query for N-linked hybrid type structures
Q2.2-GlycoQL High Mannose Pattern
GlycoQL generated pattern to query for N-linked high mannose type structures
Q2.3-GlycoQL GlcNAc Pattern
GlycoQL generated pattern to query for N-linked mono-GlcNAc type structures
Q2.4-GlycoQL Complex, Tetra-antennary, Sialylated Pattern
GlycoQL generated pattern to query for N-linked complex, tetra-antennary, sialylated type structures
Q2.5-GlycoQL Complex, Tetra-antennary, Neutral Pattern
GlycoQL generated pattern to query for N-linked complex, tetra-antennary, neutral type structures
Q2.6-GlycoQL Complex, Tri-antennary, Sialylated Pattern
GlycoQL generated pattern to query for N-linked complex, tri-antennary, sialylated type structures
Q2.7-GlycoQL Complex, Tri-antennary, Neutral Pattern
GlycoQL generated pattern to query for N-linked complex, tri-antennary, neutral type structures
Q2.8-GlycoQL Complex, Bi-antennary, Neutral Pattern
GlycoQL generated pattern to query for N-linked complex, bi-antennary, neutral type structures
Q2.9-GlycoQL Complex, Bi-antennary, Sialylated Pattern
GlycoQL generated pattern to query for N-linked complex, bi-antennary, sialylated type structures


Datasets used in Use Case 01 as described in the paper (see next section)
DataSet 01
DataSet 02
DataSet 03
DataSet 04
DataSet 05

Performance Times

To estimate the running time of SPARQL queries we tested against three triple stores of different sizes, 191, 2790 & 4808 structures. Real time is wall clock time, and user and system times together give total CPU time. These runs were timed on a DELL Latitude 7140 running Ubuntu 20, GraphDB 9.9.0 and python 3.9 (to automize the queries). There were 33 queries run, of which a subset are presented in the paper (available on this page). As can be seen from the table, the CPU time varies little between the different size datasets. The real time increases linearly with the increase in size.

Using extrapolation we predict a real time of just under 1.5 minutes to run 30 queries on a dataset of 100,000 structures (see chart). Data point 1 = Dataset 1 (a, b), Data point 2 = GlySTreeM (c, d), extrapolate to x (100,000 structures) using formula,

`f(x) = b + (x - a) * (d - b)/(c - a)`

Size Avg Real Time (s) Avg User Time (s) Avg Sys Time (s) Avg CPU Time (s)
Dataset 1 191 0.71 0.272 0.025 0.297
Dataset 2 2780 2.713 0.259 0.029 0.288
GlySTreeM 4808 4.544 0.262 0.017 0.279
Extrapolate 100,000 83.592 0.056 -0.148 -0.092

The 30 queries were also run on a remote instance of GlySTreeM - this took 9.5 seconds in real time and 0.5 seconds total CPU time. Using the above table we estimate that it would take just under 3 minutes to run the queries on a remote instance of a 100000 size dataset. However, this needs to be confirmed.